I'm sitting here at my computer looking out at the gray skies of December. I'm thinking that Christmas is just a couple of weeks away.
I've watched the Christmas ads on TV, and the seemingly hundreds of ads that come in my mail box. I shake my head, and ask " What's Christmas all about?"
What if there were no gifts to buy and give? Would it still be Christmas?
Then I ponder the question,when did the meaning of Christmas get all jumbled up and lost under the tinsel; buried beneath wrapping paper and boxes?
When did the real meaning of Christmas become overshadowed by all the bling, bling? And are we any more at peace? Do we feel more kindness and love towards one another after the gifts are opened?
The real gifts are, the ones when we give of ourselves. The kind word, or deed.
Being peace makers in our family, and in our neighborhoods. These are lasting and remembered long after the tree is tucked away for another year, long after the wrappings are disgarded.
So, this year let's remember, and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas--- It's priceless.
Blessings to all,
Mystic Silks