The Shop

A Place Where You Will Find Loveryly Gifts and a Few Personal Opinions

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day Plantings~ Mysticsilks

On Mother's Day we celebrated by purchasing flats of flowers and planting them in the garden pots around the house.
The first four photos are of the garden pots in the backyard. 
We planted Inpatients, sunshine yellow pansies, petunias,and various other plants we thought would add beauty to the yard. 
Now, the nice thing about these plants are, they will last far into the summer and fall s long as I remember to pinch back the dead ones.
I feel like it is truly spring after I get the flowers in their summer urns!

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Six New Silk Satin Neck Scarves~By MysticSilks

I finally finished those 6 new silk scarves, and posted them in my etsy shop.
It's the first time I tried designing on a 15x72 inch silk satin. 
To begin with that's a lot of area to cover with designs, and to dye the background:Getting in and out of the designs with specific dye colors is a challenge, then to keep up with dying the background before the areas already covered dry.
Then there's the photographing. Trying to get the entire scarf into the photo is another challenge. So in essence one could say this is an intense labor of love--:)