The Shop

A Place Where You Will Find Loveryly Gifts and a Few Personal Opinions

Sunday, May 3, 2009

African Serengeti Sunset

Recently I had been working , or should I say 'creating' two new silk hangings.

Now, the differences between a 'silk hanging' and a silk painting, are the time involvement, and cost." African Serengeti" took approximately a month, working once a day for about an hour, to finish the silk hanging.
Then it took another 21/2 hours to steam, to set the dyes. Then another 24 hours to allow the steamed silk to dry ,only to wet it again by washing it in a special soap, rinsing in a conditioned water rinse. Then, ironing it,then temporarily pinning it to a foam core board to take photo shots. Another two-three hours to photo edit it, then uploading it to the website to
write up a description, a price, add the tags, then click finish.
OK, at this point it is a silk hanging, which the buyer may purchase at the cost of $75.00, plus S&H. The buyer can then mount it on a dowel , or have it framed on their own.

If they choose to have me mount the silk on foam core, and to have it framed, add about another $100.00. , plus the S&H will be more.

So, here is " African Serengeti Sunset"