This mid morning in August of 2009, I heard the rumbling powerful roar of a Thunderbird jet fly over my home in little Warren, OH.; there's an air show at Vienna Air Base, which is about 12 miles away.
Something proud leaped up in my heart as I ran outside , eyes fastened on the sky as the jet sped over my house so low that it cast a shadow on the lawns. I began to clap my hands , and yelled" Way to go boys!" And I guess I felt so proud because of men and women like this who serve and have served in our Armed Forces: The men and woman that have fought so hard to keep this country, the United States of America, free.
And FREE is the keyword here:Free to speak our minds; free to say what we agree, or disagree with, regarding how our elected officials vote.
No one in this country, not even President Obama, should ever say that " we the people" should be ignored because we disagree with his policies i.e., Health care, Caps and Trades bill. Don't ever say that Mr. President!
"We The People.." have husbands, wives, fathers, grand fathers, and great grandfathers, uncles, sons, and brothers who have fought, and who have given their lives so that " we the people.." remain free, and to have our voices heard.
So I guess when I heard that Thunderbird jet roar overhead, I had to give words to the roar of the jet engine: Way to go boys!