The Shop

A Place Where You Will Find Loveryly Gifts and a Few Personal Opinions

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Unusual Etsy Treasury! Things That Go Bumpo In The Night

I haven't spun off a blog post in quite  a while. 
Today is a coolish, gray, rainy  day ,and me with little to zero ambition to accomplish much.
I may just punk out and spend the day on a Robin Cook marathon CD day--I am enthralled and totally addicted to his captivating stories:Think I should call Dr. Phil for help? Maybe he'll send me to one of his camps for people with addictive behaviors---I would not mind as long as i can listen to robin Cook CD's stories;but that would defeat the purpose of going to therapy,huh?
I spent some time this morning creating a treasury on etsy consisting on the 'unusual'--go take a peek and leave a comment, too:

And while you are on etsy take a look at my shop: htttp://