The Shop

A Place Where You Will Find Loveryly Gifts and a Few Personal Opinions

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What is Valentine's Day about? by Mystic Silks

I know we just celebrated the holidays, but it seems that we Americans are all about celebrating; about giving gifts for one reason or another, and, this isn't a bad idea.

Maybe we need these days to remind us of all the people, and all the reasons to celebrate. Besides Valentine's Day helps to chase the winter blahs, and around February it can feel blah, especially if you live in the North Eastern states...............where all the white winter snows have turned to gray slush.

What better pick-up for the spirit then to have a red Valentine card, along with a beautiful hand designed scarf? Unless it's a trip to a warm island--:)

My silk shop at has many loverly creations to chose from for that perfect Valentine's gift for the women you love.

1 comment:

  1. silks is fantastically,and blog distinguished and as silence wind of summer in ours pastorally holder quiet and gaiety
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