The Shop

A Place Where You Will Find Loveryly Gifts and a Few Personal Opinions

Friday, April 30, 2010

Aging Factor~ Age Discrimination~ PayPal Survey

Since I've retired I have a lot more time than I did when I was working. When I was working and I'd receive a survey either via snail mail, or email, I'd throw it out, or click delete. Who has the extra time to fill out that stuff ?

Well, the other day in my email is a notice from PayPal, they had a survey they asked me to participate in. So, what the heck, why not. In fact I was becoming sort of a professional survey taker, thanks to J Powers, and GMAC. I bought a PT Cruiser in January and since then the car manufacturer wants to be sure I am very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, or not satisfied,plus they started paying me to fill out the forms: $1.00!! That sort of makes me a paid professional,right?

I clicked on the Paypal survey link and read the agreement, then discovered that it would take 25 minutes to complete the survey. Then as a reward, they would enter me in a drawing for $1,000.00. Hey, that's pretty good money if I was selected.

OK, so on the first page it asks, what is your gender? I clicked : female. I clicked next, which took me to the following page. What is your age? I clicked the 65+ plus box.

All of a sudden the page literally jumped to the next page which stated, " The survey is finished.Thank you for taking our survey!" That was it! No more questions.

I was a bit put off by that whole experience, after realizing that the PayPal survey was not interested in the opinions of a senior citizen. That really was a slap in the mug as I have a business account with those folks.

I might think about cancelling since the money they make off of my account is well and good, but they just are not interested in the opinions of the more learned and wise. So be it!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sun Power~A New Silk Creation

This is the last of my smaller silk paintings.
Please see to purchase at htpp://

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Concep`tion~Original Painting~ Fine Art~by MysticSilks

This is the newest of the 21x21 inches silk paintings.
I call it " Concep`tion" because the colored squiggles reminded me of sperm. Then if you look just off center to the upper right, you'll see a round orange form which could very well be the egg off in the distance.
OK, that's what my imagination conjured up.
Some might think the images appear to be balloons.

Whatever, you want to imagine is fine with me. This silk is pinned to a foam core board for display.

Come see what other beautiful original art I have in my shop at

Monday, April 5, 2010

Will Etsy Ever Create A Fine Art Category?~MysticSilks

If you have ever done a search on for an original painting;one you would see on canvas, or a water color.Perhaps an acrylic painting, or maybe an oil.
You will have a difficult time,
Why?, you may ask.
If you search under art on etsy, you will see jewelry, maybe pottery,handmade lampshades, etc. And etc,. could very well be a painted dust pan, tagged as an 'original painting'.

The fine art artists on etsy have been , well close to but not quite, begging etsy administration to create a new category called 'fine art'.

And only true original paintings, photography, sculptures, water colors, acrylics, prints, would be tagged as 'fine art', and go into this category.

We would not be buried under tons, and tons of stuff called art.

This link is an forum thread posted on etsy last April 4th, 2009 with a petition link draw etsy's attention by the number of signatures (682),on this petition.

One of the petitioners sent an etsy convo to Rob Rokali, again bringing this situation to the big man's attention on etsy. To sum it up this is the response:
+++++++++by Rokali profile shop contact:"Yes, we're working towards an art marketplace, though we don't have a timeline yet. I agree with you, and I've passed your convo along to Amy. Hang in there."++++++++++++

"Hang in there," the man says, " Hang in there."

Is anyone's arms hurting from all the 'hanging in there?'

Mountain's Majesty ~ On Front Page of Etsy!! Original Painting, Fine Art,

"Mountain's Majesty"
If you look way at the top of my blog page, you'll see a copy of the Front Page treasury on on Saturday, April 3rd.
Someone alerted me that my painting, the one you see to the left of this page.
I did a hurried click and lo and behold there it was!!
I was thrilled , because to land on etsy's front page, is a rarity indeed.
The view count increases, and so did the number of hearts on this painting.
Now, here's an interesting tidbit of news on this work of art.
I created this painting approximately four years ago. I wasn't thrilled with it, and in fact placed it in a storage drawer, where it stayed until two years ago.
Then someone looked at it , and asked me why the silk painting was not mounted, and that it was beautiful!
I guess that day I looked at it in a new light. Soon I mounted it, framed it, and put it up for sale on
And then, and then it was picked to be in a treasury by, then it was chosen by etsy admins to be on the front page!!
So from the obscurity of a storage drawer, to the lime light of the etsy front page!
Come see the rest of my silks and art work on
Thank you!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Quantum Leap~By MysticSilks~ A Silk Painting

Taking a lemon, and making lemonade.

That's just what I did with three small square silk scarves that had not sold in my etsy store.

To this silk scarf I embellished it with round objects that appear to be bubbles but are really intended photons.

The remainder of the silk scarf I left just as it was , with the wavy lines of orange, yellow, and red: They remind me of waves of energy. Then I pinned it to a foam core board.

The resulting silk painting has a great feeling of energy to it.

Come see it at my etsy store: