If you have ever done a search on etsy.com for an original painting;one you would see on canvas, or a water color.Perhaps an acrylic painting, or maybe an oil.
You will have a difficult time,
Why?, you may ask.
If you search under art on etsy, you will see jewelry, maybe pottery,handmade lampshades, etc. And etc,. could very well be a painted dust pan, tagged as an 'original painting'.
The fine art artists on etsy have been , well close to but not quite, begging etsy administration to create a new category called 'fine art'.
And only true original paintings, photography, sculptures, water colors, acrylics, prints, would be tagged as 'fine art', and go into this category.
We would not be buried under tons, and tons of stuff called art.
This link http://www.etsy.com/forums_thread.php?thread_id=6105708 is an forum thread posted on etsy last April 4th, 2009 with a petition link http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/artonetsy/index.htmlto draw etsy's attention by the number of signatures (682),on this petition.
One of the petitioners sent an etsy convo to Rob Rokali, again bringing this situation to the big man's attention on etsy. To sum it up this is the response:
+++++++++by Rokali profile shop contact:"Yes, we're working towards an art marketplace, though we don't have a timeline yet. I agree with you, and I've passed your convo along to Amy. Hang in there."++++++++++++
"Hang in there," the man says, " Hang in there."
Is anyone's arms hurting from all the 'hanging in there?'
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