It's September 9th, 2011: Ten years after the Twin Towers were attacked by an Islamic terrorist group; the towers went down and 3, 000 people were exterminated. Then the attack on the Pentagon, and the third attack plane headed for the White House taken down by a bunch of Oh ,so brave and unique Americans causing it to crash in Pennsylvania before it reached Washington. Then USA and other countries sent troops to Iran, and again Afghanistan. Having troops there were going to make us safer.
We've had military troops in those countries going on ten years now.
However, all this week and especially today I am listening to reports from our security advisers that we could be attacked this weekend by the terrorists use of bombs in subways, or tunnels: So once again we are on high alert. These terrorists supposedly made their way into the USA in August.
Why do we let these people into our country? During the war with Japan back in the 40's, we made sure any one who looked suspect was rounded up and put into interment camps. Yes, it was a shame that people who meant us no harm were also included in the round-up. WE didn't want to take any chances for attacks on the mainland, Hawaii was enough!
But it appears that the Islamic terrorists have no problem gaining entry in this country.
I think we should have a set-up for any admission into this country where the person/s who wish to enter this country have to give a written statement as to the reason for their visit, and also a contact address,phone number of where they can be reached.
Or in order to enter this country one has to wear a chip that will show where this person is no matter where they travel. They can only stay for a limited time and must check in with security officers daily via phone.
I really feel sad that we have to have armed security guards at every subway , at every major football game, in every airport to thwart any potential attack: Our lives have been changed so drastically by the threat of terrorists attacks, I wonder how we can still call this country "The Land Of the Free?" when we appear to walk in fear.
And I wonder will we ever feel the total freedom we once experienced in this great country called America?
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