The Shop

A Place Where You Will Find Loveryly Gifts and a Few Personal Opinions

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I Found The Best Photo Editing Site- By MysticSilks

I'm not sure how this post will appear after I am finished. I am still not proficient when it comes to uploading photos onto my blog. So please excuse my clumsy attempts.
The two photos you are viewing is of a water color painting that I created about 5 years ago. The MRDD facility that I was employed by, had a contest for a winter scene drawn, or painted by a resident or employee. I managed to complete the two deer in a deep winter scene and submit it as an entry to the contest.
I won! And as a result I was awarded a $100.00, plus they paid to have the painting professionally framed, and in addition had hundreds of boxed Christmas cards made with my water color painting on the cover of the card!!
I may be an artist , but not a photographer. And when it comes to these computerized digital cameras, well, just tell me which button to push to take the photo. I know nothing about any other setting on my Cannon camera,and just recently figured out what the heck a pixel was/is.
OK, so I take the photos, and download them or is it called uploading?
I have photos that seem to have too little light, too much. The photos are too large, the color or tint is off.
I used to struggle with this complexities of getting the photos just right to upload to my online shops:
And then one day I read in the etsy forums that someone was using
I thought yea, right another complicated only for genius type people to use site. OMG! Was I in for a surprise!! A most wonderful, delightful surprise!
I uploaded my poorly taken photos to, clicked auto fix, used the re size , or crop feature, plus any other adjustment I thought the photos needed. Then clicked save. Bang! It saved my now beautiful photos to my computer. From there I now am able to upload with pride to my artfire, or etsy site!
If you are having the same problems with photo editing that I was, I highly recommend:
Try it, you'll love it!

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