The Shop

A Place Where You Will Find Loveryly Gifts and a Few Personal Opinions

Sunday, November 14, 2010

ArtFire```Is This A Rising Star In Selling Venues?

I've been on since 2007--My sales haven't been too bad. But I and many other 'fine art' artists have been trying to encourage etsy to build a better category for 'fine art.'

That is one thing that ArtFire has accomplished. And I wonder along with my other fellow fine art artists, why etsy can't seem to wrap their brains and tech talent around this 'fine art concept'?

We began a petition and have over 700 signatures that support having the 'fine art' category on etsy:

I and other 'fine art' artists have written convo's to Rob Rokali(CEO of etsy) with our concerns, but have received no response. We were promised last year(2009) that they were making changes and had hired a taxonomist to organize the fine art category, but alas that has not happened. So many are listing their art on ArtFire, and I have listed several original fine art pieces on

Currently I have my orignal art work on both: and

I sure wish etsy would, as they say, get a move on with defining and supporting the art category on etsy.


  1. I signed the petition months ago and since then I have been paying attention to the art and lack of categories. One thing I think they need to do also is separate the prints from the originals. Alot are listing as "original art" then you click on it and its a print! Makes me mad. But your right they need to define their categories like they do for other things.

  2. Have you noticed the new movement of treasuries created for FineArtFriday? Some are beautiful, but others include jewelry, knitting, and everything else under the sun. Even other etsy sellers don't understand what fine art is.

  3. Felicia,

    Yes, you are so correect, many people on etsy do not clearly understand what " fine art"--and I am wondering if that's why etsy hesitates to have a 'fine art' category. Because they will have to define, it, explain it, and probably have a good majority of etsy up in arms.
    Ignorance does those things.
